Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Reflection on Project 3

1. I mainly looked at grammatical errors and sentence fluency because I felt like my content was sound so I didn't want to change that at all.  Mostly what changed was how it sounded and I think it was a better paper after revising.

2. I didn't look at any organization because I felt as though it was organized well.  I didn't do anything with my thesis either because I felt as though it was well done.

3.The changes I made were mostly style based in that I wanted to look at what could sound better and how I can get the attention of the audience.  There wasn't a change in purpose or audience change I mostly just fine tuned an already good paper.

4.  The changes I made don't really affect my credibility.

5.  The changes address the audience better because the reader is able to read the piece much easier. 

6. Like I said before I looked at sentence structure and style a lot so I can make my paper more crisp and overall better.

7. The changes will allow the audience to get more involved in the paper and if the paper is good the purpose will get through to the audience which is what I wanted to do.

8.  Yes I did have to consider the conventions because of the genre I was writing because the I have to try and persuade a reader to believe my opinion and side with my stance.

9. This process allows me to see what I did right and wrong and ultimately grow as a writer.

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