Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Reflection on Project 2

What was specifically revised from one draft to another?

         Not much was changed for me personally in terms of content because I felt that my analysis was sound and supported so I mostly looked at grammatical errors.  Another thing I revised pretty heavily was the way my sentences flowed so that it would contain less run-ons and deliver an smooth reading.

How did you reconsider your thesis or organization?

       I looked over my thesis and realized that there wasn't much that I could do to improve what I had.  My organization needed to be fixed a little bit in certain places but all in all my thoughts are presented in a clear and concise manner.

What lead you to these changes?  A reconsideration of audiences?  A shift in purpose?

        I made the changes that I talked about above because I began to go against my analysis halfway through a paragraph so I had to fix it.  That was the only real organizational fix I needed.

How will these changes affect your credibility as an author?

       Well it made me more credible because I wasn't contradicting myself anymore.  This improved what would of been a really messy paper that questioned bot my analysis and credibility.

How will these changes better address the audience or venue?

       Nothing really changes the audience or venue the changes mostly effect the credibility of me as an author.

How do you reconsider sentence structure and style?

       The biggest thing to reconsider is if the sentence sounds right.  Its basic and simple and it take care of broken statements and it can tell the author if their writing is smooth and not choppy.  Also a big thing to look at is to see if there are a variety of sentence types because it helps make the writing flow.

How will these changes assist your audience in understanding your purpose?

      If the writing flows more the reader has an easier time understanding the purpose because they don't have to dissect every sentence.  The structure allows the reader to absorb all the information you are presenting them if the sentences flow.

Did you have to reconsider the conventions of the particular genre in which you were writing?

     No because the conventions are the same as the first assignment.  The only change was that this paper had to have a stronger language to it than before.

How does the process of reflection help you reconsider your identity as a writer?

        The reflection allows me to look through the successes and failures of a project and allows me to see where I need improvement in the field of writing to do better.  Thee is always room for improvement and reflections like this really help.

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