Thursday, August 6, 2015

Outlining My Public Argument

        The best introduction for me to use would be to define and narrow the problem.   The reason I want to go with this kind of introduction is that I want to explain the issue of stem cells and what I believe is something that not everyone will understand.  I want to explain what the point is I want to get through and what it means to the issue.  The introduction is important because it sets the tone for the rest of the paper, so I want to start the piece of by explaining all the factors above.

Developing Strong....

     1.List the Major supporting arguments: The major supporting arguments for my case to increase stem cell research is that it is a proven treatment for a variety of diseases, there are alternatives to what is deemed unethical, and finally it is a major advancement in medical science.

     2.  The major criticisms to this argument is that stem cell research is expensive, some people still believe it is unethical, and that there is no way to meet the demand for stem cells.

     3.Select your Key support and Rebuttal points: The most important support points is the different types of reports that show the results of treatment to diseases like Diabetes and Alzheimer's.  The rebuttal points that are important is to try and show how stem cells can be used for the common person which is a problem that can be solved n a way like blood donor.  This will make a lot more sense when I explain it because it is a complex idea that can't be formulated in a few sentences.

    4.  The funding of stem cell research needs to be increased to allow the further research into how stem cells can be acquired effectively to allow the many diseases that plague humanity to be available.

     5. Gather Evidence:  The main evidence that I will use regards the results of treatments from a variety of reports and a major piece of information that questions whether tem cell is controversial anymore.  This last bit is important because if this is true to some extent it makes the argument I am making easier and much more streamlined.

     6.  Map your Argument:  My argument stems around the idea that this is important to those ho may benefit from it an I will address the issues wit stem cell research and tell the audience how this can be fixed or dampened them directly.

Concluding Strategies.....

I will have to probably use positive consequences because it makes the most sense to conclude by telling the reader what the result of the actions taken after reading this.  The consequences are a great outlook for the human race and the world so I feel this is the best way to go.

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