Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Analyzing Purpose

1.   The main purpose of my public argument is to try and make a point that I firmly stand beside and attempt to convince those who read this to side with me.  I want to try and make the reader create their own opinion from what I am telling them.  It is important to want them to be convinced but ultimately there will always be one who just disagrees.  All in all I want to make a strong argument for my side to try and convince those who disagree that my side is the right side.

2.    Plausible Actions/Reactions                                             Not Plausible
                Agree with me                                                                Don't believe my argument
                 Look at a different side                                            Completely disagree
                 then before                                                                Attack my Character

3.   The best kind of action that can occur from this piece can be that the reader openly supports stem cell research and will look for it at the next election, raise awareness, or just spread the word.  The public can take action that would help the advancement of stem cell research.

4.  The biggest critics of stem cell research will want to see this piece and find that stem cell research is becoming a heavily supported cause that few people are opposing today.  The type of audience I want to address are those who can make a big change.  Specifically I want to try and influence politicians to try and increase federal funding.  This will accelerate research and allow for major advancements in medicine.  With this the public can also be a huge influence because they are able to elect politicians who support stem cells and if more people are pro stem cell research, more change can occur. 

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