Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Cultural Analysis of The Stem Cell Debates

  • Previewing:  This text is significant in addressing the issue of stem cells because during the time of this text, stem cells became more popular as a legitimate option for treating certain illnesses and this report came at a time where the public still didn't look favorably on the idea of acquiring stem cells from embryos.  But this report came at a time of change as the Bush Administration was replaced by the Obama Administration, stem cells became more favorable.  This report was published after the Obama Administration signed an executive order to fun stem cell research so with a change in presidency a new outlook on stem cells came about.
  • Cultural References: There are not many cultural references seen in this paper mostly due to the authors need to use factual evidence rather than try and connect with certain cultures.  The closest reference would be to the 2001 Bush Administrations executive order removing federal funding for stem cell research.
  • Cultural Values: The author shows their cultural values by showing how they are focused on getting their point across.  Since it is multiple authors, they don't reference their values but they do show that they believe in upholding the ethics of scientific experimentation and that they do support the scientific community in pursuing other options to get around the ban while keeping the experiments legal.
  • Narrow Your Focus: From the ideas presented above, the focus of my analysis will have to be around the authors focus on proving that stem cell research is in fact ehtil and that is what they are trying to prove.  If I focus on this idea then I can elaborate from that with a few different supports allowing for a robust paper.
1. Embryo, Ethical, Banned
2. These words are repeated more than 20 times each.
3.  The Witherspoon Council is trying to present a case for why Embryotic stem cell research should not be banned by addressing the ethical concerns.
5. These keywords are used because they get attention of those who are apposed to the idea of stem cell research because after each on of these words there are generally opposing views to the reader the author is addressing.

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