Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Analyzing Context

1.  The key perspectives of this debate is the side who supports the use of embryotic stem cells for research and those who don't support the use of ES cells for research.

2.  The major points of disagreement all comes down to ethics.  The side that supports the use of ES cells says that the research will help advance medicine.  The other side however believes that the use of Embryos is inhumane therefore the research is unethical and inhumane.

3.   Both sides agree that there is some use for stem cells.  Mainly that there is a medical use for them but the way of obtaining them is still the most hotly debated point.

4.  The ideological differences between these two sides is again the side who views the use of embryotic cells as inhumane and cruel while the side who supports ES cells sees them as a useful way to advance medical research.

5. The actions taken by both sides is mixed at best.  The side who supports stem cells lobbies for increased funding while those against protest and fight against the use of embryos.  Most actions taken have been done by recent presidential administrations like Bush in 2001 where he was against stem cells and in 2008 where Obama supported them.

6. The side that is most useful for me is the side that supports the stem cells because they have more support for their argument and it just makes more sense.  The other side is mostly based on morals instead of facts.  So I have to support the side that makes the most sense and can build the strongest argument.

7.  The side that is against ES cells or those who don't see ES cells as marketable or useful are the strongest opponents.  It is really difficult to dissuade people from there beliefs which is all that the other side has.

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