Thursday, August 6, 2015

Paraphrasing a Source

Original Source
               "Stem cells are cells that have the ability to differentiate into one or more of the types of cells of an organism’s body, as well as the ability to self-renew, creating more stem cells like themselves. “Adult” stem cells — which are found not only in adults but also in children, babies, and fetuses — are typically multipotent, meaning that they are capable of producing multiple (but not all) cell types.[6] Some adult stem cells have been used in medical therapies for decades. For example, bone marrow transplantation has been used to treat patients since the 1950s, years before scientists understood that it was specifically the presence of blood-forming adult stem cells in the marrow that made the treatment work.[7]"   -The Stem Cell Debates


My Paraphrase
                 With the capacity to distinguish different types of cells in an organisms body, stem cells are able to self-renew allowing more stem cells to be created.  "Adult" stem cell are usually multipotent, which means that they are able to create different cell types.  "Adult" stem cells are also found in children.  The bone marrow transplantation treatment, which has been used since the 1950s, uses adult stem cells.  Scientists did not discovered this fact however till later on when stem cells were truly understood.

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