Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Reflection on Open Letter Draft

The two drafts I reviewed were Helen's and Brittany's

1.  My peers and my instructor are my audience for this letter I have written.

2. My readers may have bias based on recent papers I have written because they already know what to expect from me in terms of writing style.

3.  I think that both my peers and instructors have high expectations for me due to the quality of writing I have been putting out.  I feel as though this class expects quality form the students and I want to meet those expectations.

4. For this paper I think that I should give some background history on what I did in high school in terms of writing and how I did in my first year of college.  This kind of background knowledge can benefit them and I don't think it will insult them cause most of my readers don't know too much about me.

5. The language shouldn't be too overly complicated because I am writing a letter to my peers so they should not have to struggle to read what I have written. The language should be simple and friendly.

6.  The assignment states that we should be writing in a semi-formal tone so that is what I will use in my letter.  I don't think I am at that tone in my paper yet but through a little bit of revision I can fix that.

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