Saturday, July 25, 2015

Evaluation of Rhetorical Situations

Source #1:
     Author/Speaker:  The author of this article is Claudia Driefus who doesn't have a large amount of credentials other than writing for the NY Times.  She is interviewing Dr. Douglas Melton from Harvard who gives his thoughts on Stem Cell Research which he was researching.

    Audience: The variety of people that this can appeal to ranges from the average NY Times reader to a politician or even a top scientist.

    Context:  The context of the interview looks at how Dr. Melton feels about his research on stem cells being barred from federal funding in 2001.  He is frustrated by this because he and his team were on the verge of some huge breakthroughs in stem cell research only to loose funding because of controversy of how stem cells are acquired.


Source #2:
       Author/Speaker: The article is written by the Witherspoon Council which is a scientific organization that focuses on the ethics and integrity of scientific experimentation.  It is a qualified organization to write an article like this.

       Audience:  The audience are those who oppose stem cell research and this article gives reasons to support and encourage stem cell research.  It is heavily backed by facts and benefits of stem cell research as well as addressing the more frowned upon aspects of stem cell research.  They want to present a case for the people against stem cell research.

      Context:  The article blatantly shows the reader that it is for stem cell research which sets the tone for the rest of the article.  Through a list that includes the Bush revocation of federal funding to common misrepresentations of stem cell research. The obviously pro-stemcell use facts to support their arguments but there main goal is to show that stem cell research is unethical in there eyes which may sway some readers and if you look at the facts it makes sense.


Source #3
    Author/Speaker: Russell T Daley is a graduate student at California State University and his paper looks at the ethics of stem cell research and how it could be looked at as ethical in certain cases and not ethical in other cases.  He is a graduate student so he is credible as his work has been published.

    Audience:  The audience that this paper is geared towards is the scientific community.  Daley looks into what both sides see as ethical stem cell research and what is not ethical.  He wants the scientific community to follow the examples he has given.  His audience will look at this paper and feel impressed by the suggestions made.

    Context:  Daley uses a variety of ways to reach his audience and by far the biggest is by giving ideas on how to describe stem cells.  Daley believes that if the scientific community uses the correct and friendly rhetoric to describe stem cells they will be looed on more favorably.  If this happens then the benefits will be more focused on then the ethics of stem cell research which is a huge roadblock.


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