Thursday, July 16, 2015

Evaluation of General Sources

Source 1
Biologists Choose Sides In Safety Debate Over Lab-Made Pathogens
Author: Neil Greenfieldboyce

Last Updated: August 13, 2014

Purpose: To show the controversy of lab made pathogens and to present both sides

Graphics: Two scientists holding a chicken that died from presumably bird flu

Position on Subject: Presents both sides

Links: none

This article is used more to elaborate on the issue and explain how lab mad pathogens are being used.  It centers around the idea that creating such pathogens can lead to a pandemic but others want to be able to study these exceptionally dangerous viruses, like the bird flu, to further deepen out knowledge of diseases.

Source 2

Haste Caused CDC Bird Flu Contamination?


Author: Jef Akst

Last Updated: August 19, 2014

Purpose: To show how a simple mistake can be catastrophic.

Graphics: One picture of a scientist holding a syringe

Position: Leans towards against


The main purpose of this article is a story on how a vial of H9N2 which is a strain of bird flu accidently being released and causing some contamination at the CDC.  This is significant as the author states because the person responsible didn't follow safety protocols because he was in a rush into a meeting and the contamination wasn't discovered till months later.  This article presents the mishaps that almost caused a pandemic and shows how serious some of this should be taken.

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