Thursday, July 30, 2015

Draft Thesis Statements

1.   Through the use of carefully laid out writing, The Witherspoon Council is able to use logical writing to methodically persuade a variety of readers to support the research of stem cells.

        This is a short simple thesis that gets the authors purpose across as well as highlighting the rhetorical strategies and it really sets a tone for what to expect throughout the rest of the paper.

2. With the use persuasive writing through evidence and the ability to firmly drive their argument towards their readers, the Witherspoon Council is able to craft a intricate argument for the use of Stem Cells in research.  The rhetorical strategies to logically back their arguments makes their writing more trustworthy and ultimately leads to a better case for their cause.

   I really like this thesis statement because it sets the tone for the paper and the type of diction coincides with the piece while also catching the eye of the reader.  I think it is a strong thesis that gets the point of what is being written, what to look forward in the paper.

1 comment:

  1. Actually I'd advise you to combine the two statements. Together they give very good information. The second statement is geared toward your intended readership very effectively. Combine, cut some unneeded words, and it'll turn out to be a much more concise message.
