Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Rhetorical Action Plan

1. The people who I am going to try and persuade are the politicians who have the ability to make a change in funding for stem cell research and those who are against stem cell research for moral reasons.  The audience is knowledgeable on the subject because stem cells are more widely known today and if the person is against stem cells they most likely know what they do, or at least that is the hope.  The values of the audience will vary but they will most likely follow their beliefs unless they are very persuaded to change their minds.  The results of how stem cells have advanced medicine will be my best bet for showing the benefits of stem cells as well as showing the alternatives to embryotic stem cells that have been discovered.  I will make it simple to understand and use the simplified data to help support my position.  There are no visual elements needed for this type of argument.  The purpose of this piece is to try and persuade the readers to support more federal funding for stem cell research and to not try and hinder the progress already made.

2. The genre I plan to use is to state my position on stem ell research give the reasons why I support it and why more people should then explain why the other side is not only wrong but is in turn harming the advancement of medicine.  It is a rebuttal to the ethics of the research being frowned upon and I can show that there are humane ways of getting stem cells now that are more difficult but humane.  The genre I am using would be used in the setting of a response to a opinion that you disagree with or a counter argument.  I am going to try and use logos and ethos to help strengthen my rhetoric.  This will be a formal piece that is organized professionally and has clear and concise writing.  It would be as though I was writing in front of congress to show why they should support stem cell research.

3.The main actions I want my audience to take is to help raise awareness so that the government can take notice.  If they notice what there constituents want, they will respond by supporting stem cell research and give it more funding.

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